Monday, October 5, 2009

Entry I

"A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it" -George Moore

August 5th, 2009

We're on a boat. We have been for about 12 hours now. Rodger just told me he was going to take a "rip, roaring cataract of a shit". Hope he's doing okay.
Apparently, we slept last night. Not really sure how, these chairs are so hard to sleep in, not to mention the fact that its really cold in here. Damn. We didn't really do anything last night, we just kind of wandered around the boat. We ended up watching "Defintely, Maybe" and the same episodes of Seinfeld like 7 times (it was the manure episode). Despite the fact that we only have a limited budget, we ate a boatload of overpriced, shitty foods last night. I think I spent $20 in less than 20 minutes. Rodger has constantly been telling me that I'm an arrogant pig.
I'm kind of nervous to get off the boat. It's going to be weird not having anywhere to be and just wandering around, hoping that we'll get where we're going without incident. Nervous but excited. Hopefully we can catch a ride fresh off the ferry. That would be grand. I'm really excited to go hang out in Halifax.
(Shit update: Rodger reports that it was similar to "molten lava".)
I can't wait to party with Sammy, Katie, Zak, Neil and Harry. Along with anyone else we happen to meet. I'm jealous of anyone who got drunk last night.
We almost had a complete meltdown earlier. We were under the influence and Rodger busted out an unbelievable line that I'm sure will grace us with its presence in "Quade's Corner" that nearly made us shit our pants. The whole dining area of the ferry was staring at us and we couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard we tried to contain ourselves.
Well, thats about it for the boat. It's a pretty boring ride so far, but I have a feeling its all about to pick up.

Over and Out,

Quade's Corner:
  • "Whats up Mr.Miyagi!?"
  • "Fucking Baked Cod..."
  • "MA-NURE - Nice Word"
  • Ferry Love


This is my new blog.

I'm going to use this to mainly post entries from the Journal I kept while Hitchhiking across Canada. I get so many questions about the trip and people requesting to hear stories and all that.
At first it was fun to recount all the tales, but now its kind of redundant. This way, people can come here and read all about the trip and it saves me from repeating these stories until I hate them, har har.

Secondly, I guess I'll use this blog just to post random, day to day things.
I have a feeling I might use this a fair bit when I'm procrastinating some sort of school work or something.

Most of the Journal's entries follow a format. Most of it is me recapping the last few day's events however, there is a part at the end of each entry entitled "Quade's Corner". Basically, this was Rodger's contribution to the journal. He would read my entry and then, if he approved of the entry, would kind of add the comical flare to the entry, recapping the hilarious quotes and super special moments of the trip that were, 90% of the time, made while we were under the influence.

Anyways, I suppose I'll start typing up what most of you probably came here to read: Entry number 1 out of the travel log.

Over and Out